Alternative-Choice / Capitol - Capital /

1) He accepted the offer only because he believed that he had no (alternative, choice).
a) alternative
b) choice

2) They had a photograph taken of themselves standing on the steps of the (capital, capitol).
a) capital
b) capitol

3) They acted (contemptibly, contemptuously) toward the newcomer, we felt.
a) contemptibly
b) contemptuously

4) It took him only a few years to accumulate the (capital, capitol) necessary to open his second store.
a) capital
b) capitol

5) She spoke (contemptibly, contemptuously) of her rivals during the interview.
a) contemptibly
b) contemptuously

6) There are so many appetizing foods on the menu, I am unable to decide which (alternative, choice) to order.
a) alternative
b) choice

7) This company offers two (alternatives, choices); lease or purchase.
a) alternatives
b) choices

8) His behavior toward the visitors to the annex yesterday was (contemptible, contemptuous).
a) contemptible
b) contemptuous

9) Madrid is the (capital, capitol) of Spain.
a) capital
b) capitol

10) She behaved (contemptibly, contemptuously) toward his brother (i.e., as if he thought very little of him).
a) contemptibly
b) contemptuously

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