Further Tests 1

1) I asked her yesterday if she would (came, come) to the mall with us.
a) came
b) come

2) (Farther, Further) questions will be answered only after the formal part of the presentation has concluded.
a) Farther
b) Further

3) He remembered too late that he should have (went, gone) to the bank today as he waited for the taxi to arrive.
a) went
b) gone

4) They have (saw, seen) this area of the country shortly when they were first married.
a) saw
b) seen

5) Until (farther, further) information can be obtained, I do not believe that there is much that we can do.
a) farther
b) further

6) They never (saw, seen) the tall thin man in the gray overcoat.
a) saw
b) seen

7) I cannot go any (further, farther) without first stopping to tie my shoelaces.
a) further
b) farther

8) Lyla rarely (went, gone) to the Sunday evening service without Theresa, her cousin and best friend.
a) went
b) gone

9) The (further, farther) I get into this book, the more interesting I find it.
a) further
b) farther

10) We are not really sure where she has (went, gone) this morning.
a) went
b) gone

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