英文校正と英会話個人レッスンのWriting English


to と at と in、 into と onto など、どの前置詞を使ったらよいのか迷うことがおありですか? 以下が参考になるかもしれません。

  1. to  状態や状況の変化、動き、移動、行動などがある時に使う
      I am going to sleep.
      She is going to change her dress.
      She went to the store.
      I asked her to dance.
      They went to Paris.
      You want to leave.
      Speak to me.
  2. at  誰かがいる場所、何かがある場所を示す
      You will find him at the second table.
      I left her at home.
      He left his books at school.
      She met him at the cocktail party.
      The evening classes were held at the downtown college.
      They waited at the bus stop.
      He purchased a newspaper at the news stand.
  3. in  誰かがその中にいる、何かがその中にいるということを示す
      She spent a summer in Paris.(周辺ではなく市内で)
      We sat in the theater for three hours.
      He was in the aircraft for seven hours.(機内で))
      There were noodles in the soup.(スープの横にではなく中に)
      It was a lovely day in summer.
      Santa Clause was sitting in his sleigh.
      The articles were found in a ditch by the side of the road.
  4. into  何かの中に入っていく行動や動きがある時に使う
      He walked into the house.
      She dropped two olives into her martini.
      Sally reached into her handbag.
      They strolled into the park.
      The roots of the tree extended deep into the soil.
      He popped a pill into his mouth.
      The cat jumped into the box.
  5. onto  動きがあってそれが何かの上で止まる時に使う
      The dog jumped onto the bed.
      He rolled over onto his stomach.
      She sprinkled icing sugar onto the newly baked cake.
      She poured the meat sauce onto the spaghetti.
      They stepped onto the roof.
      He threw the football onto the balcony.
      The squirrel jumped onto the tree branch below.
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前置詞の使い分け(English) サイトマップ